How To Understand And Mitigate Sociopathic Leadership


Sociopathic leadership is a phenomenon both intriguing and alarming. While leadership is traditionally viewed as a beacon of guidance and inspiration, sociopathic leaders who have a narcissistic personality disorder invert this notion, turning workplaces into arenas of manipulation and moral ambiguity.

In this article, we will unravel the complexity of sociopathic leadership, exploring its defining characteristics, impacts on the workplace, and strategies for identification and mitigation.

Through a blend of psychological insights, case studies, and expert opinions, we’ll help you recognize and effectively handle the challenges posed by such leaders, fostering a healthier, more ethical professional environment.

Characteristics Of Sociopathic Leaders

Sociopathic leaders are an enigma in the professional world, often disguised by their charm and charisma. However, beneath this facade lies a set of distinct characteristics that set them apart, thus making them look like so called psychopaths:

  1. Charm And Charisma: At first glance, sociopathic leaders are often perceived as charismatic and compelling, drawing people in with their apparent confidence and assertiveness.
  2. Manipulation Techniques: They are masters of manipulation, using their skills to bend situations and people to their advantage. This often involves deceit, coercion, and exploitation of others’ vulnerabilities.
  3. Lack Of Empathy: A defining trait of sociopathic leadership is a marked lack of empathy. These leaders are often indifferent to the feelings, rights, and welfare of others, viewing them as mere tools for personal gain.
  4. Impulsivity And Risk-Taking: Sociopathic leaders tend to be impulsive, displaying a disregard for the potential consequences of their actions. They often engage in risky behaviors, putting their organizations in jeopardy for momentary benefits or thrills.
  5. Narcissism And Egotism: A strong sense of self-importance and a preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, and brilliance are common. They crave admiration and have a sense of entitlement.
  6. Resistance To Criticism: These leaders typically do not respond well to criticism. Instead, they may react with anger, contempt, or even retaliatory behaviors.
  7. Moral Flexibility: Sociopathic leaders often exhibit a lack of adherence to ethical or moral standards. They justify their actions, no matter how unethical, if it serves their interests.

Understanding these characteristics is vital in identifying and dealing with sociopathic leaders effectively.

Identifying Sociopathic Leaders

The challenge of identifying a sociopathic leader within an organization lies in discerning subtle yet consistent behavioral patterns. These individuals often exhibit a stark inconsistency between their words and actions, making grand promises that seldom materialize into reality. Their adeptness at manipulation is another hallmark of narcissistic sociopaths, who skillfully exploiting others’ weaknesses and using charm to influence and control.

A profound lack of genuine empathy is also indicative, often hidden behind their charismatic exterior but revealing itself in situations demanding compassion and understanding of human beings.

Sociopathic leaders characteristically shift blame and avoid taking responsibility for their actions, preferring to point fingers at others or external circumstances. A pattern of unethical decision-making, often masked under the guise of strategic thinking, is a significant red flag, and combines the terms psychopath in their attitude. Such leaders may also resort to intimidation and bullying, either overtly or subtly, to assert their dominance.

Furthermore, feedback from employees can be a telling indicator—consistent reports of fear, discomfort, or frustration in their interactions with the leader should not be overlooked. Acknowledging and recognizing these signs early on is crucial for taking appropriate steps to mitigate the negative impacts of such leadership.


Impact On The Workplace

The presence of a narcissistic sociopath leader can have profound and often detrimental effects on the workplace:

Eroded Employee Morale
Employees working under such leaders often experience decreased morale. The toxic atmosphere created by manipulation, lack of empathy, and unethical behavior leads to feelings of mistrust, anxiety, and disillusionment among staff.

Unhealthy Workplace Culture

The culture in organizations with sociopathic leadership tends to be unhealthy, characterized by fear, conflict, and a lack of genuine collaboration. There’s often a high level of secrecy, politics, and favoritism.

Increased Stress And Burnout

The unpredictable and hostile environment can lead to increased stress and burnout among employees. This is exacerbated by the lack of support and recognition from the leader.

High Employee Turnover

As a natural consequence of the above factors, organizations with sociopathic leaders often face high employee turnover rates. Talented individuals are more likely to leave in search of healthier work environments.

Damage To Organizational Reputation

The actions and behaviors of sociopathic leaders can lead to scandals, legal cases, and public relations crises, severely damaging the organization’s reputation and credibility.

Impaired Growth And Innovation

In an environment where fear and manipulation reign, creativity and innovation are often stifled. Employees may be reluctant to take risks or propose new ideas, hindering the organization’s growth and adaptability.

Addressing the impact of those in leadership positions with sociopathy is crucial for the well-being of employees and the overall health of the organization.

Dealing With Sociopathic Leadership

Dealing with a sociopathic leader is challenging but not impossible. Here are some strategies:

  • Document Everything: Keep detailed records of interactions, decisions, and actions of the leader. This can be crucial for establishing patterns of behavior.
  • Seek Support: Build a support network with trusted colleagues or mentors. Discussing experiences and feelings can provide relief and validation.
  • Set Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries with the leader. While challenging, it’s important to protect one’s mental and emotional well-being.
  • Communicate Assertively: When safe to do so, communicate concerns assertively but professionally. Avoid confrontations, but be clear about your perspectives and needs.
  • Seek External Help: In extreme cases, it may be necessary to seek help from HR, upper management, or even external legal advice, especially if the behavior violates company policies or laws.
  • Focus On Personal Well-Being: Prioritize your mental and emotional health. Consider professional counseling if the situation is affecting your well-being.
  • Plan An Exit Strategy: If the situation becomes unbearable, consider looking for opportunities elsewhere. Your well-being and professional growth should not be compromised.

Prevention And Education

Preventing the rise of sociopathic leadership within organizations requires a multifaceted approach, starting with robust hiring processes. Implementing thorough background checks and personality assessments during the job recruitment stage, especially for leadership roles, can help in identifying potential red flags early.

Regular ethical leadership training sessions are crucial in fostering values of empathy, integrity, and transparency among potential leaders. Cultivating a culture of openness and safety, where employees feel comfortable voicing concerns without fear of retaliation, is essential. This culture encourages open communication and honest feedback, creating a transparent environment.

Regular assessments of leaders’ performance and behavior can help in the early identification of potential issues, allowing for timely interventions. Empowering HR departments with the necessary resources and authority to investigate reports of unethical leadership behavior is also key.



Educational workshops and seminars on recognizing and dealing with sociopathic leadership and mental disorders can equip employees with the knowledge and tools needed to address such challenges.

Additionally, promoting a diverse and inclusive environment can be effective in reducing the likelihood of toxic leadership taking root. Encouraging diverse perspectives and ensuring equitable treatment of all employees helps in creating a balanced and healthy workplace culture. With these strategies, organizations can:

  • Mitigate the risks associated with sociopathic leadership
  • Foster a more ethical, productive, and harmonious work environment

Psychological Profiles of Sociopathic Leaders

Delving into the psychological makeup of sociopathic leaders reveals a complex interplay of personality traits, developmental factors, and cognitive processes that drive their harmful behaviors in professional environments.

Antisocial Personality Traits

Sociopathic leaders often exhibit such traits aligned with antisocial personality disorder. This includes a pattern of disregarding others’ rights, superficial charm, intelligence, and articulate speech, coupled with a concerning absence of:

  • Remorse
  • Empathy
  • Emotional depth

Power and Control Dynamics

These individuals are drawn to environments where they can exert control, satisfying their need for dominance. Their behaviors often involve deceit, domestic violence, manipulation for personal gain or pleasure, and a lack of awareness about the impact of their actions due to distorted self-perception, self esteem and an inflated sense of entitlement.

These are warning signs that people should be on the look out for if their leaders start exhibiting these actions.

Developmental Influences

The development of sociopathic traits in leaders can stem from early childhood experiences like trauma or exposure to abuse from family member. Based from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, such life experiences might lead to maladaptive coping mechanisms and personality traits.

Environmental factors, such as competitive or unethical professional settings, can also contribute to nurturing these traits.

Cognitive and Emotional Processes

Sociopathic leaders typically show poor emotional regulation and motivation and an inability to form genuine emotional connections. Their decision-making is often self-serving and lacks consideration for others’ well-being or long-term consequences.
Addressing Sociopathic Leadership Through Psychology

Understanding the psychological aspects of sociopathic leadership is essential for a holistic approach to managing these challenges, leading to more ethical and effective organizational leadership.

Psychological Interventions

Effective management of sociopathic leadership involves psychological counseling and leadership coaching. Organizational interventions are also crucial in promoting healthier leadership styles.

Promoting Emotional Intelligence and Ethical Behavior

Organizations should foster a culture that values emotional intelligence and ethical behavior. Imagine a place where the person in charge is not just smart, but also really understands and cares about people. That’s the kind of place we want to create, instead of one where the sociopathic leader doesn’t care about others’ feelings.

To Wrap Up

This problem of sociopathic leaders is a big issue. It is a form of mental illness, and it’s not just about how a company runs; it’s about making sure everyone is treated right and feels good. These leaders can be charming but also sociopathic, and that can make people at work feel unhappy and things could go wrong.

To solve this, we all need to work together. We should learn about this issue, talk openly, and make sure our next door leaders are kind and honest. This way, we can spot sociopathic leaders and stop them from causing trouble in society.

As we go forward, let’s remember everything we’ve talked about. We want our future leaders to be kind, honest, and really care about doing what’s best for everyone. By doing this, we can make sure our workplaces and other places are thriving and motivate people for positive development. And it’s not just leaders at work to think about — sociopathy and online influencers can be a real detriment to our mental health too.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can sociopaths be good leaders?
What is psychopathic leadership?
What are the traits of a sociopath?
What is the mindset of a sociopath?
Can a sociopath be a genius?
Can many sociopaths still be successful?
Are sociopaths smart?
What motivates a sociopath?
How is a high-functioning sociopath?
How to talk to a sociopath?
Where do most sociopaths work?
Is it good or bad to be a sociopath?

The Masked Influence: Unveiling Sociopathy And Online Influencers


In the dazzling world of social media, a society where online influencers reign supreme, a hidden phenomenon lurks beneath the surface: the presence of sociopathy. With the rise of digital platforms, these personalities have become more than just trendsetters; they are architects of opinions, behaviors, and social norms.

Yet, amidst their charm and charisma, some harbor dark triad traits of sociopathy – a condition marked by a lack of empathy, manipulative behavior, and often a deceptive charm where individuals score high on these traits. This article aims to shed light on this intriguing intersection, exploring how sociopathy manifests in the digital realm and its impact on followers, friends, your family, and the broader online community.

As we navigate through this virtual landscape, it’s crucial to recognize and understand these hidden dynamics, not just for our digital well-being but for our overall mental health in this increasingly online world.

The Connection Between Sociopathy And Online Influencers

The intersection of sociopathy and the world of online influencers is a complex and intriguing phenomenon.

At its core, this connection hinges on the unique characteristics and environment provided by social media platforms, such as Twitter and Facebook, which can both attract and amplify sociopathic traits.

Characteristics Of Sociopathy In The Digital Age

In the digital age, sociopathy manifests in ways that are both subtle and profound. Key traits of sociopathy, such as lack of empathy, manipulativeness, and a superficial charm, find fertile ground in the virtual world.

Online, these individuals can curate and present an image that masks their true intentions and personality to their audience of young girls and young men, sometimes even children. The distance and anonymity provided by the internet allow them to create and present a facade of likability and trustworthiness, which can be harder to maintain in face-to-face interactions.

Moreover, the digital platform’s inherent feedback loops, like likes, shares, and comments, can serve as fuel for sociopathic individuals. These metrics can:

  • Reinforce their behaviors
  • Provide a sense of validation and power
  • Entrench their manipulative and often deceptive tactics

How Online Platforms May Attract Sociopathic Personalities

Online platforms, with their vast reach and potential for fame, are particularly attractive to individuals with sociopathic tendencies. The allure of becoming an influencer – with the power to sway opinions, trends, and even behaviors – can be irresistible.

It offers an opportunity for such individuals to exercise control, gain admiration, and satisfy their need and desire for attention and validation, all without the constraints of physical interaction and its inherent accountability.

Additionally, the ability to manipulate digital personas and narratives plays right into the hands of someone with sociopathic traits. They can expertly construct a reality that appeals to a vast majority of people, often hiding their true intentions and behaviors. This controlled environment allows them to:

  • Manipulate their followers’ perceptions
  • Create a loyal fanbase
  • Attract people susceptible to their influence

The Duality Of Online Influence And Sociopathy

This connection also has a duality to it. While the online environment can exacerbate sociopathic traits, it can also make them more difficult to identify. The curated nature of social media content and videos means that followers only see a fraction of an influencer’s true personality.

This selective visibility can make it challenging to discern genuine behavior from sociopathic manipulation.

Furthermore, the impact of sociopathic influencers extends beyond their immediate followers. They set trends and norms within the online community, influencing not just behaviors but also values and beliefs. This ripple effect can have far-reaching consequences, affecting the broader discourse and interactions within the digital space.

Understanding the connection between sociopathy and online influencers is crucial in today’s digital age. It calls for a heightened sense of awareness and critical thinking among social media users. By recognizing these dynamics, we can better navigate the complex world of online influence and safeguard ourselves against the potential negative impacts of sociopathic behaviors in the digital realm.


Impact On Followers And The Online Community

The influence of sociopathic personalities in the digital realm extends far beyond their immediate circle, impacting followers and the online community in profound ways.

Psychological Influence On Followers

The psychological impact on followers can be significant for a person. Followers, often unaware of the sociopathic traits of the influencers they admire, may find themselves emulating behaviors and attitudes that are ultimately harmful. This influence can manifest in various ways, from altering personal values to adopting detrimental lifestyle choices.

The charm and charisma of these influencers, coupled with their ability to manipulate and being self centered, can lead followers down a path of uncharacteristic behaviors and decisions. A prime example sociopathy online would be if an influencer, in this case two men were to make their female audience think that there is something going on between them, despite being separated through a screen, not personally knowing each other. This type of attitude leads to falseness and puts their audience in a vulnerable position.

Moreover, the relationship between influencers and followers is inherently imbalanced. Followers often develop a one-sided emotional attachment, where they respond to the praise of the influences they follow. One can argue that these individuals see the influencer as a role model or even a personal confidant. This dynamic can leave followers particularly vulnerable, especially young people to the influence of someone with sociopathic tendencies, as they are less likely to question or criticize their actions.

The Ripple Effect In The Online Community

The ripple effect of sociopathic influencers on the online community is another critical aspect. Their actions and the content they produce can set trends and establish norms within the digital space and at one point can go viral and attract a larger audience.

When these trends and norms are shaped by individuals with sociopathic traits, they can lead to a toxic online environment. This toxicity can manifest in the form of:

  • Cyberbullying
  • Spreading misinformation
  • Promoting unhealthy standards and behaviors.

The influence of these individuals can also alter the tone and nature of online discourse. It can encourage a culture of superficiality, deceit, and lack of empathy – traits that are antithetical to building a supportive and positive online community.

The Dark Side Of Fame: Manipulation And Deception
Fame in the digital world, while desired by many, can have a sinister underbelly, especially when it intersects with sociopathic traits.

Manipulation For Fame And Influence
In the quest for fame, influencers with sociopathic tendencies may resort to manipulation and deception. This can involve:

  • Creating fabricated stories
  • Manipulating emotions to elicit responses
  • Engaging in controversial actions to gain attention

The drive for fame and the accompanying benefits often overshadow ethical considerations, leading to behaviors that prioritize personal gain over the well-being of followers.

These influencers might also manipulate their online persona to such an extent that it bears little resemblance to their own life and true selves. This discrepancy not only deceives their audience but also sets unrealistic standards and expectations, contributing to issues like low self-esteem and dissatisfaction among followers.

Deception And Its Consequences

The deception practiced by sociopathic influencers can have far-reaching consequences. It can erode trust within the online community, as followers become more skeptical and disillusioned with the influencers they once admired.

This erosion of trust can extend beyond individual influencers, affecting the credibility of the platform as a whole.

Furthermore, the deceptive practices of these influencers can harm their peers – other content creators who strive for authenticity in their work. It creates an uneven playing field, where honest creators may struggle to gain the same level of recognition or influence as those who manipulate and deceive.

Strategies For Followers To Identify and Protect Themselves
In the ever-evolving landscape of social media, it’s crucial for followers to develop strategies to identify potential sociopathic influencers and protect themselves from their potentially harmful impacts.

Identifying Sociopathic Traits In Influencers

1. Inconsistency In Online Persona And Behavior

Followers should be vigilant for inconsistencies between an influencer’s online persona and their behavior. This can include:

  • Discrepancies in their stories
  • A mismatch between their words and actions
  • Changes in their attitude across different platforms


2. Over-Emphasis On Material Gain Or Popularity

Pay attention to influencers who overly focus on material gains, such as constantly purchasing new a phone, promoting products excessively or obsessively discussing follower counts and likes. This may indicate a superficial approach to influencing, often associated with sociopathic tendencies.

3. Manipulative Communication Patterns

Be aware of communication that seems designed to manipulate emotions, such as exaggerated stories that play on sympathy or anger. Also, be wary of content that seems primarily aimed at eliciting a strong emotional response and answer from their target audience.

Protecting Themselves From Negative Influences

Critical Analysis of Content: Followers should critically analyze the content they consume. This involves questioning the intent behind a post, the authenticity of the stories shared, and the reality of the lifestyle promoted.

  • Maintaining Emotional Distance: It’s important to maintain a healthy emotional distance from online influencers. This means not getting overly invested in their personal lives or viewing them as infallible role models.
  • Seeking Diverse Perspectives: Diversifying the range of influencers one follows can help in gaining varied perspectives. This reduces the risk of being influenced by the potentially harmful behavior of a single, sociopathic influencer.
  • Limiting Exposure: Limiting time spent on social media platforms can reduce the impact influencers have on personal beliefs and behaviors. Setting time limits or having specific goals for social media use can be beneficial.
  • Engaging In Open Discussions: Engaging in open discussions with friends or communities about influencers and their content can provide additional insights and perspectives that might be missed when consuming content alone.
  • Educating Themselves About Sociopathy: Gaining a basic understanding of sociopathy and its traits can empower followers to better identify and protect themselves from influencers who exhibit these characteristics.

To Wrap Up

Let’s wrap up this article on how some people who are famous on the internet might not always be nice. It’s really important to know about this, not just for fun or because it’s interesting, but because we all need to be careful and smart when we’re online.

The internet can bring us all together, but sometimes it can be tricky too. We need to keep our eyes open and understand what’s going on.

When we talk about famous influencers who might not be very kind, it’s not about being mean to them. It’s about making sure everyone on the internet is safe and happy. We want to help everyone make good choices and ask the online community to help keep us safe from sociopathic leadership, even if influencers don’t lead us directly.

As we keep using the internet and meeting new people online, let’s remember to think about what we see and ask questions. We should try to make the internet a place where everyone is kind and careful with their words. By doing this, we help ourselves and make the internet a nicer place for everyone.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Are psychopaths on social media?
What do sociopaths do to other people?
What are some examples of psychopathy in media?
What are the classic signs of a sociopath?
What is a real sociopath like?
How do psychopaths behave in social media?
How to spot a psychopath online?
Are psychopaths talkative?
How do sociopaths react when you ignore them?
Can a sociopath fall in love?
Can you tell a psychopath by their handwriting?
Can psychopaths read people easily?
Do psychopaths say thank you?
What happens if you ignore a psychopath?
Do sociopaths cry?
Can a sociopath be sad?

Breaking the Cycle of Sociopathic Behavior: A Comprehensive Guide for Therapists

Sociopathic behavior, also known as antisocial personality disorder, is characterized by a pervasive disregard for the rights of others and a lack of empathy. People with this condition often engage in criminal activities and have difficulty forming healthy relationships. While the causes of sociopathy are not fully understood, a combination of genetic, environmental, and social factors is believed to play a role.

The goal of treatment for sociopathy is to help the individual understand and manage their behavior, so they can lead a more fulfilling life and avoid negative consequences. This article provides a comprehensive guide for therapists on how to break the cycle of sociopathic behavior.

Assessing the Severity of Sociopathic Behavior

The first step in treating sociopathy is to assess the severity of the individual’s behavior. This can be done by conducting a thorough evaluation, which may include a psychological evaluation, medical history, and interviews with family and friends.

It is also important to consider any co-occurring mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, or substance abuse, as these may exacerbate the sociopathic behavior.

Understanding the Root Causes of Sociopathic Behavior

To effectively treat sociopathy, it is important to understand the root causes of the behavior. While the exact causes are not known, a combination of genetic, environmental, and social factors is believed to play a role.

For example, individuals with a family history of sociopathy may be more likely to develop the condition, while childhood trauma or abuse can also contribute to the development of sociopathy.

Additionally, social factors, such as poverty, lack of education, and exposure to violence, can also increase the risk of sociopathy. They might even have been exposed to sociopathic leadership, and picked up cues from there.

Developing a Treatment Plan

Once the severity of the sociopathy and the underlying causes have been assessed, the next step is to develop a treatment plan. The goal of treatment is to help the individual understand and manage their behavior, so they can lead a more fulfilling life and avoid negative consequences.

A variety of therapeutic approaches can be used to treat sociopathy, including cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychotherapy, and medication.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a type of therapy that focuses on changing negative thought patterns and behaviors. This approach can help individuals with sociopathy understand the impact their behavior has on others and develop strategies to manage their behavior.

Psychotherapy can also be helpful in treating sociopathy, as it provides a safe space for individuals to process their thoughts and emotions and work through any underlying issues that may be contributing to their behavior.

Medication can be used to treat co-occurring mental health conditions, such as depression and anxiety, that may exacerbate sociopathy. However, there is currently no medication specifically approved for the treatment of sociopathy.

Building a Support System

In addition to therapy, it is important for individuals with sociopathy to build a support system. This may include friends, family members, and support groups, who can provide emotional support and encouragement throughout the treatment process.

It is also important for individuals with sociopathy to participate in activities and hobbies that they enjoy, as this can help improve their overall well-being and reduce stress.

Managing Relapse

One of the challenges of treating sociopathy is the risk of relapse. It is important for individuals to continue to attend therapy and participate in their support system, even after they have made progress in managing their behavior.

It is also important to have a plan in place for managing potential triggers, such as stress or difficult situations, that may increase the risk of relapse.

Life Skills Training

Individuals with sociopathy may need help with basic life skills, such as budgeting, time management, and decision making. Providing them with training in these areas can help them become more independent and successful in their daily lives.

Anger Management

People with sociopathy may struggle with managing their emotions, particularly anger. Anger management training can help them identify triggers and develop healthy coping strategies.

Social Skills Training

Sociopathic individuals may have difficulty forming and maintaining healthy relationships. Social skills training can help them learn how to effectively communicate, collaborate, and build meaningful connections with others.


Breaking the cycle of sociopathic behavior is a complex process that requires a multi-faceted approach. By conducting a thorough assessment, understanding the root causes of the behavior, developing a treatment plan, building a support system, and managing relapse, therapists can help individuals with sociopathy make positive changes in their lives and avoid negative consequences.

It is important to remember that while sociopathy can be a challenging condition to treat, with the right approach and support, individuals can learn to manage their behavior and lead fulfilling lives. For people experience the effects of sociopathy and online influencers, there are tools for that too.

If you are a therapist working with someone with sociopathy, it is important to approach the treatment process with compassion and a non-judgmental attitude. By taking a holistic approach and focusing on the individual’s strengths and abilities, you can help them break the cycle of sociopathic behavior and lead a happier, more fulfilling life.

In conclusion, breaking the cycle of sociopathic behavior requires a comprehensive approach that involves understanding the root causes, developing a treatment plan, building a support system, and managing relapse. With the right support, individuals with sociopathy can make positive changes and lead fulfilling lives.

Healing the Wounds of Sociopathy: The Power of Therapy

Sociopathy, also known as antisocial personality disorder, is a complex and often misunderstood condition. People with sociopathy have a disregard for the rights of others, engage in criminal behavior, and experience difficulty forming close personal relationships. While it can be challenging, therapy can help individuals with sociopathy to heal their wounds, develop better social skills, and lead fulfilling lives.

The Benefits of Therapy for Sociopathy

There are many benefits to therapy for individuals with sociopathy, including:

Improved Relationships

Through therapy, individuals with sociopathy can learn how to form and maintain healthy relationships. They can also work on developing empathy and understanding others’ perspectives, which can improve their interactions with those around them.

Better Emotional Regulation

Therapy can help individuals with sociopathy to identify and manage their emotions in a healthy way. This can reduce impulsiveness and help them to make better decisions in their personal and professional lives.

Enhanced Coping Skills

People with sociopathy often struggle with stress and anxiety. Therapy can provide them with tools and strategies to better cope with these challenges and maintain their mental health.

Reduced Criminal Behavior

Research has shown that therapy can significantly reduce criminal behavior in individuals with sociopathy. By addressing the underlying issues that contribute to their criminal behavior, therapy can help them to make positive changes in their lives.

Increased Self-Awareness

Therapy can help individuals with sociopathy to develop a better understanding of themselves and their behavior. This increased self-awareness can lead to improved decision-making and more meaningful relationships.

Improved Self-Esteem

People with sociopathy often struggle with low self-esteem due to negative past experiences and their own behavior. Therapy can help individuals to develop a more positive self-image and increase their confidence and self-worth.

Development of Moral Compass

Sociopathic individuals may struggle with a lack of moral guidance. Through therapy, individuals can work on developing a sense of right and wrong and learn to make decisions that align with their values and beliefs. This can help them to live a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

Coping with Trauma

Many individuals with sociopathy have experienced trauma in their past, which can contribute to their behavior and emotional regulation difficulties. Therapy can provide a safe and supportive space for individuals to process and work through their past traumas, leading to improved mental health and well-being.

Improved Communication Skills

People with sociopathy often struggle with communication and expressing their emotions. Therapy can provide individuals with the tools and strategies they need to communicate more effectively and form deeper connections with others. This can lead to improved relationships and more positive social interactions.

The Therapist’s Role in Healing Sociopathy

A skilled therapist can play an important role in the healing process for individuals with sociopathy. They can provide a safe and non-judgmental space for individuals to explore their thoughts and feelings and work through their challenges.

Building Trust

The first step in therapy is to build trust with the individual. This is especially important for individuals with sociopathy, as they may have a history of negative experiences with authority figures. A therapist can create a safe and supportive environment by being patient, understanding, and non-judgmental.

Addressing Underlying Issues

People with sociopathy often have a history of trauma, abuse, or neglect. Therapy can help individuals to explore and process these experiences, which can lead to improved emotional regulation and reduced criminal behavior.

Improving Social Skills

Therapists can work with individuals with sociopathy to improve their social skills, such as empathy and communication. This can help them to form healthy relationships and better understand the perspectives of others.

Encouraging Positive Behaviors

Through therapy, individuals with sociopathy can learn to identify and reinforce positive behaviors. This can help them to make positive changes in their lives and reduce criminal behavior.

The Path to Healing

Healing from sociopathy is a journey that requires time, effort, and dedication. However, with the help of therapy, individuals with sociopathy can make significant progress in their personal and professional lives.

Taking Responsibility

The first step on the path to healing is for individuals to take responsibility for their actions. This means acknowledging their behavior, understanding its impact on others, and being willing to make positive changes.

Setting Goals

Working with a therapist, individuals can set goals for their therapy journey. This can include improving relationships, reducing criminal behavior, and enhancing emotional regulation.

Making Positive Changes

Through therapy, individuals can work on making positive changes in their lives. This can involve developing new skills, changing negative thought patterns, and replacing harmful behaviors with positive ones.


Sociopathy can be a challenging condition to live with, but therapy can provide individuals with the tools they need to heal their wounds and lead fulfilling lives. With the help of a skilled therapist, individuals with sociopathy can work through their past experiences, improve their social skills, and reduce criminal behavior. By taking responsibility for their actions and making positive changes, individuals with sociopathy can create a brighter future for themselves.

Remember, healing is a journey, not a destination. It takes time, effort, and dedication, but with the right support, individuals with sociopathy can overcome their challenges and live their best lives. If you or someone you know is struggling with sociopathy, consider reaching out to a therapist for help. With the power of therapy, anything is possible.

Counselor Talks: How NOT To Be Conned By A Sociopath


I had been told many times that love moves in mysterious ways. It will just hit you without warning when it comes to you, and then you will have nothing to do but go with the flow. Because of that, when love knocked on my door, I let it in and even give it access to my money. And you know what happened in the end? It almost left me financially broke, considering the man I loved happened to be a sociopathic con artist.

Let Me Rewind

Ever since moving to the United States from the UK for work, I went to different bars and clubs every weekend with my friends. I had not always been a party gal, but I missed my parents back home, so I wanted to be in the company of fun people for as long as I could.

During one of those nights, I met Paul. He was a handsome 30-year-old real estate agent who told me that he experienced love at first sight with me as soon as our eyes met.

Allow me to tell you that I would not usually fall for such a pickup line in the past. I was not born yesterday; I knew that many men in bars tended to say things like that to bed various women. But I did not know what it was with Paul that made me believe him. It was like his charisma, and sweet words sucker-punched me, and there was nothing I could do about it.


The thing with Paul was that he told me that he had an excellent job in the real estate business in this city on our first date. Then, on our third date, Paul informed me that he got fired because of a manipulative tactic that one of his coworkers pulled. He was the sole competitor for top sales of that person, and he decided he no longer wanted competition.

Paul looked so worried and sad that night because he was the breadwinner in his family. I had not met them to confirm that, but I felt so bad for the man. When I told him I could pay his car mortgage that month, I saw tears brimming in his eyes. In that instant, I felt the need to take care of him and love him.

A couple of weeks later, we were on a date again when Paul mentioned the eviction notice that he received from his landlord. For a supposedly top real estate agent, Paul found it highly challenging to find another job. Still, I did not question that at the time and even offered to cover his rent. I would have asked Paul to live with me if I was not sharing an apartment with my three friends.

Cover-ups And Lies

Paul and I had been officially dating for six months already, and he was still jobless. My friends were beginning to frown about that, especially when they found out that I was practically supporting him financially. One of them said, “You are too young and cute to be a sugar momma, Jada.”


However, I paid my friends no mind and continued to support Paul. He said that his savings were only enough to give to his family, so I was more than willing to provide for his needs. Again, I still hadn’t met any of his relatives, but I had zero doubts about him.

I was a little guilty of covering up the situation whenever I talked to my parents, though. If they learned about the setup in my new relationship, they would want me to end it stat. I wanted them to like Paul, so I lied to them about him having a stable job and whatnot.

When I Woke Up From My Craziness

I was shopping with Paul on a Saturday when a stranger – a woman – came up to us and slapped him across the face. Hard. Her action surprised me so much that I did not get to speak or push the woman away. But when she started yelling and making a scene, I pulled both of them to the parking lot to settle the matter.

Why did I not call the police, you might ask? This stranger seemed decent, educated, and classy. She did not seem the type of person to initiate a brawl in a busy mall if she had no reason to do so. Hence, I chose to confront her – and Paul – away from the curious bystanders.


Once we reached my car, Paul started yelling at the woman. That behavior surprised me more, especially when he tried to slap her. I pushed him to the side and asked the woman why she did what she did. Her reply was, “This sociopath got me pregnant and then left when my daughter was born. Worse, he took most of my money with him.”

“Don’t believe her, Jada! She’s lying!” Paul exclaimed as she tried to reach for the woman again.

But I did not let it happen. I used my little know-how in boxing and gave my boyfriend an uppercut, which rendered him unconscious. My gut feeling told me that the woman was telling the truth, so I had to put Paul in his place. That’s when I finally called the police and had him persecuted for conning the other woman and me.

Moral Lesson: To avoid getting conned by a sociopath, please do not let the first person you like entirely in your life without getting to know them better. Shame on me; I allowed my heart to rule over my mind. But that should not be the case for you.

Counseling 101: Sociopathy On TV

What is sociopathy?  How to discover sociopathy? Can sociopaths love?

My experience of watching sociopathy on TV:

I was already in the middle of my beauty rest when I heard my boyfriend laughing out loud beside me. Jay was never inconsiderate like that because he knew that I was tired from counseling people every day, so I turned to look at what he found funny. I saw him focused on his phone with a hand over his mouth, still trying to control his laughter.

“What’s got you giggling there, babe?” I asked.

“Big Ed.”

“Who is that?” I asked.

About Big Ed The Sociopath – The 90 Day Fiance Reality TV Show

“Well, it was this guy who stars in the reality TV show called 90-Day Fiancé. This is already his second rodeo on the show, but he still cannot keep his girl,” Jay explained.


“Is that what’s funny?”

“Oh, no,” he uttered, still laughing. “I was just watching his latest interview on the show, and this elderly woman put him in his place.”

How I genuinely Felt Watching The Show

Since my sleepiness was already gone, I asked my boyfriend to show me what he was talking about (we didn’t actually know we were watching something about sociopathy). True enough, it was an interview with the cast members of the 90-Day Fiancé. The title of the show was pretty self-explanatory. It chronicled the lives of men and women trying to find their soulmates in and out of the United States and get engaged with them within 90 days. From what I gathered in the first five minutes of watching, many of them have found success and were living together with their partners. Except for Big Ed, that is.

When the cast members asked Ed where her latest girlfriend was, he began to tear up as he mentioned that they broke up after a few months of dating. As a counselor, I was trained not to be judgmental, but I would know a fake cry once I saw one. That’s what Big Ed was doing, which made the show more interesting.


The scene then cuts to where the ex-girlfriend finally arrived. Again, sociopathic Big Ed got the fake waterworks going. However, it stopped when the ex showed real tears and talked about how he ghosted her just when she learned to love him, even if Ed rushed everything into their relationship. Then, she found out that he went to Las Vegas and partied and socialized with some prostitutes (all these can be signs of a sociopathy disorder, actually).

The Woman’s Revelations (Ed’s ex-girlfriend)

Though the woman’s revelations made potentially sociopathic Ed earn some boos and sassy remarks from the other cast members, that only took him back slightly. Soon enough, he was running his mouth again and giving every possible excuse under the sun. It was evident that his initial love for her was fake, but who would admit that? Not Big Ed, for sure.

With the several signs of sociopathy, we learn that Big Ed might be a sociopath.

The Show Just Got More Interesting – Witnessing Someone With Signs of Sociopathic Behaviors

“What kind of a man is this?” I asked my boyfriend about Ed.

“That’s a man who talks big but gets his mother to slather mayo all over him and whose feet would not even touch the floor during the interview,” he replied, chuckling. “Keep watching, babe; we have not even gotten to the funniest part yet.”


Before I could even ask what my boyfriend meant, I heard the host announce that one of the guys’ mothers would join the show. As it turned out, both the guy and his new girlfriend lived under the same roof as his mother. As soon as the mother sat down, Big Ed showed sociopathic behavior when heturned to the guy and began talking about how he should leave the nest and get a place of his own.

My boyfriend commented that it was a big talk coming from the “sociopathic” Big Ed, considering he was also living with his mother. The older woman did not pay attention to him initially, but when the potentially sociopathic Ed did not stop attacking her son, she yelled at him to shut up, shocking everyone. Soon, we will be learning about the signs of sociopathy through the show.

Reeling In – Learning The Signs of Sociopathy

What’s hilarious about that conversation I watched was that Big Ed barely acknowledged the older woman’s accusations against him (this is a significant sign of sociopaths). He merely kept talking about his opinion as to if that’s the only thing that mattered.


My mental health training taught me that Big Ed showed some signs of sociopathy. I could be wrong, I would need to meet and examine him further to make sure of that – but I noticed that he could be a sociopath, or that he displayed signs of sociopathy. After all, potentially sociopathic Ed was unapologetic and seemed to have manipulated his ex into doing what he wanted before leaving her once she’s hooked.

I am not sure if sociopaths will ever be tackled in-depth on that show in the future, but if you want to see what I am talking about, please feel free to watch 90-Day Fiancé one of these days. And with new media channels cropping up every day, sociopathy and online influencers could be a real problem too.

Love And Relationships – Dating Someone With Bipolar Disorder: What Do You Need To Know And What Can You Do?


Do you have some questions about health, treatment, care, therapy, or how to support people dealing with mental illnesses? It is always best to read and understand these mental illnesses to know how you can manage and handle situations, especially if you are dating someone with a mental condition. These changes make it very hard for someone to go through their daily tasks and regular activities. More often than not, it also affects their dating life. Here are some of the most common questions someone has about this mental illness: What is bipolar illness? Also called manic-depressive depression, it is a mental health condition that results in erratic and intense mood changes in an individual’s energy, focus, activity levels, and moods.

There are three forms of this mental illness, including bipolar disorder, which entail obvious alterations in activity levels, energy, and intense mood. These mood shifts may range from very high, overexcited, or elated (manic) to miserable, hopeless, or very down (depressive). Manic episodes that are less extreme are called hypomania. If you are dating someone with bipolar disorder, it is extremely important to understand the disorder’s different forms and how it can affect the mental health of people with bipolar.

    • Bipolar 1 is described as a manic episode lasting for no less than 7 days, almost daily, and for most of the day. The manic symptoms are so intense that the individual requires instant medical attention. Typically, episodes of depression happen too, which usually persist for up to two weeks. Depressive episodes coupled with mixed symptoms like depression and mania at the same time can also possibly occur. Having more than three episodes of depression or mania within a year is referred to as rapid cycling.
    • Bipolar II is a collection of episodes of hypomania and depression. The hypomanic episodes are not as severe as the bipolar I manic episodes.
    • Cyclothymic bipolar disorder, also known as cyclothymia, is characterized by symptoms of recurring depression and hypomania that are less severe form or do not persist long enough to be considered a pure depressive or hypomanic episode.

Occasionally, a person dating someone with bipolar disorder or individuals supporting people with bipolar disorder may encounter symptoms that don’t fit into the three forms mentioned above. This situation can fall under the category of ‘other unspecified or specified bipolar or related illnesses,’ which may include experiences related to manic episodes.

Bipolar disorder, characterized by manic episodes and depressive lows, is generally diagnosed in the teen or late adolescent years or during early adulthood. Occasionally, someone’s bipolar symptoms may manifest during childhood. These symptoms may vary over time, but bipolar disorder typically necessitates long-term management. Dating someone with bipolar disorder can be a challenging but rewarding experience, as understanding and supporting them in their romantic relationship can make a significant difference. Following a doctor-recommended effective treatment plan may substantially help individuals deal with their illness and their corresponding symptoms, enhancing their quality of life.

Going out or dating someone with bipolar disorder or manic depression means that you will experience mood swings or altered mood states related to this mental illness. This can lead to severe behavioral changes. There are three forms of this mental illness, so it is important to understand these to know how you can handle manic episodes.


Mood swings or altered mood states related to bipolar disorder, can lead to severe behavioral changes. Are you dating someone with bipolar disorder? You should know that during manic-depressive episodes, someone with bipolar disorder can possess a strange amount of energy and might not be able to sleep. When having depressive attacks, someone diagnosed with bipolar disorder can seem exhausted and quite down. They may want to stay indoors and do nothing else.

These major swings in mood could make socializing, communicating, dating and maintaining relationships difficult. The symptoms of bipolar disorder can be dealt with with medication and therapy, but they could most probably take a toll on family, friends, and other relationships, specifically romantic ones.

If you have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, you might already be aware of your bipolar diagnosis’ effect on your dating life and romantic relationships. You may feel anxious about starting a new one and looking for the appropriate time to inform your partner or your special someone that you have a mental health condition.

These situations can be easily understood, but it is vital to remember that it is possible to create a healthy intimate new relationship. For the best opportunity of success in achieving a healthy relationship, you have to be able to communicate freely and follow an efficient treatment plan.

Children And Teens

Teenagers and children could have specific major manic, hypomanic, or depressive episodes, although the form or structure is different from that of the adults. Additionally, moods can quickly change during their episodes. Some kids might even experience periods without any mood alterations in between episodes.

The most remarkable manifestations of the disease in teenagers and children are extreme mood alterations that are entirely different from their typical mood shifts.

When Should One See A Doctor?

Even with the presence of mood alterations, those with bipolar disorder frequently do not perceive just how much their emotional dysfunction places their lives in disarray, including the lives of their family and other loved ones. Because of this emotional rollercoaster, they refuse to get the treatment that they need.

If you are someone with bipolar disorder, you may feel euphoric and may experience times when you are productive on your own, but these feelings are often followed by a crash of risky behaviors and negative emotions that may subsequently cause you to feel burnt out or depressed – and possibly go into a legal, relationship, or financial trouble.

If you are currently experiencing mania or depression, do visit a physician or reach out to a mental health provider. Your illness, sadly, will not disappear by itself. Getting the appropriate treatment from your primary physician or mental health provider can tremendously help in managing your symptoms and getting them under control.

What To Do

    • Learn more about your lifelong condition. This is the initial step that you must do when you start a relationship with someone who is diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Read more about it to have a clearer understanding of what your partner is going through – and what you’re about to deal with as well.
    • Be patient. It can be infuriating if your partner’s mood swings prevent you from having nice and happy dating plans. When times are troubled, breathe deeply and keep in mind that it is the illness – not your loved one – that’s causing your sadness. Spend some alone time if you need to, away from your loved one.
    • Ask your partner about their experiences. If you are dating someone with bipolar disorder, it would be beneficial for both of you if you ask them how they behave during their mood swings and what they do to deal with these swings. It is also important to ask them what you could do, if there is any, to help them when these episodes happen.
    • Support their care. Your loved one’s best chance for dealing with his illness depends on whether or not they focus and practice self-care and follow their treatment plan appropriately. You can show them your support and encouragement by helping them continue the treatments that the doctor recommended.
    • Aim for open communication. You and your partner must communicate openly with each other. Express your feelings towards the situation, and encourage them to express how they feel as well. Always remember not to blame them for their illness.


Medications for people who have manic depression are available. You will need medications which can help hypomanic or manic episodes. There are mood stabilizers and anti-psychotics your psychiatrist or therapist can prescribe you wtih. This, coupled with therapy means that there is hope.

Below are some answers to frequently asked questions about depression and bipolar disorder, among others.

What Does It Mean To Be High Functioning?

Being high functioning implies that a person is disabled and has a chronic illness or a mental health problem. They function physically or mentally at a higher level than others with the same illness; for example, a 9-year-old boy with autism or a high-functioning alcoholic.

What Is The Most Reliable Symptom Of Depression?

Indications of clinical depression include hopelessness, tearfulness, irritability, angry outbursts, lack of pleasure or interest in previously loved activities, and feelings of sadness.

What Are The 4 Major Causes Of Depression?

Experts agree that depression does not originate from merely having too little or too many brain chemicals. Instead, it arises from many potential causes, including genetic predisposition, medications, incorrect mood regulation by the nervous system, existing medical conditions, and stressful life situations.

What Does A High Functioning Bipolar Look Like?

If you are dating someone with bipolar disorder, you must be wondering what ‘High-functioning,’ means to someone with this disorder. When talking about bipolar disorder, it does not refer to the level of the disorder itself, but instead, the individual’s capacity to manage it. This means that the individual may have acute symptoms but can mask them and perform their daily tasks.

Can You Hide Having This Mental Illness?

Can a person have a masked or hidden bipolar disorder without other people knowing? The unexpected fact is that occasionally, individuals with the disorder can do a great job in concealing or minimizing specific symptoms of their illness. So even if you are dating someone with bipolar disorder, you may not see the symptoms outright.

Dating Someone With Bipolar Disorder Can Be Challenging. But How Does A Person With Bipolar Disorder Think?

In the manic stage of bipolar disorder, it is typical to have increased energy, euphoria, and creativity. If you are experiencing bouts of mania, you may be deprived of sleep, talk for a mile per minute, or become hyperactive. You may also be feeling like you are invincible, intended to be great, or that you are all-powerful.

Does Having This Mental Disorder Mean You Are Crazy?

Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition marked by severe mood alterations from high to low and high. The highs are moments of mania, while the lows are moments of depression. The mood alterations even get mixed up, so you may feel depressed and excited at the same. Bipolar disorder is actually not a rare condition, but it does not mean that someone with the disorder is crazy or insane.

Does A Person Know That They Have Mental Illness?

No, not all who suffer from bipolar disorder know that they have it. There are many reasons why a person with the condition may not be aware of it – why they might not admit having it despite the fact that they do.

What Is A Bipolar Rage?

Bipolar rage or anger is extreme, explosive, erratic, and impulsive. A person experiencing bipolar rage may be asked a basic question, and they respond with illogical anger and/or agitation. They lash out for no valid reason at their support group or people who care for them.

What Should You Not Say To A Person That Is Diagnosed W/ This Mental Illness?

Here are some phrases that you must not say to someone who has bipolar disorder:

    • “Really? But you’re too smart to suffer from bipolar disorder!”
    • “Why do you sound so down today?”
    • “But I thought you were regularly taking medications for that?”
    • “Will you please stop acting crazy?”
    • “You’ve become so lazy, and you do not have a life anymore.”
    • “We both know he is bipolar, right?”

What Is A Psychotic Break?

Usually, a psychotic break signifies the emergence of psychotic symptoms for someone or the abrupt onset of psychotic indications after a stage of remission. Indications may include visual and auditory hallucinations, delusional views and ideas, and paranoia.

What Does Burnout Feel Like?

Individuals who suffer from burnout naturally feel burnt out, defenseless, and empty. As their performance deteriorates, fear of failure and emotional fatigue further increase. Those affected by it feel totally overwhelmed and engulfed in a gamut of expectations from others. They are unable to meet their own expectations of themselves as well.

Can A Person Who Has This Mental Illness Still Fall In Love?

When someone is bipolar, their romantic relationships are affected as well. People who suffer from it experience extremely low and high moods. They experience depressive and manic episodes. But with the appropriate treatment plan, a lot of these individuals can maintain healthy romantic relationships.

A loving couple who stays together despite dealing with mental health problems.

Following the steps mentioned above can definitely benefit your relationships. However, if you are dating someone with bipolar disorder, it may often still cause some strains in the relationship despite both of you trying your best to keep it working. Don’t worry – this is not uncommon at all. Remember that whether or not you have bipolar disorder or are dating someone diagnosed with the illness, it is possible to start and keep a healthy and rewarding relationship. The keys to success? Open communication is first on the list, then ensuring that the individual with bipolar disorder keeps track and follows their treatment plan, and finally gets appropriate support when necessary.

What Is It Like Loving A Person Who Has This Mental Disorder?

Do People Who Have This Mental Illness Last In Relationships?

Can A Person Who Has This Mental Illness Be Faithful?

Is It Worth To Date A Person Who Has The Condition?

Why Is Going Out With A Person Who Has the Condition So Hard?



My Sister Is A Sociopath, Could Be

a woman on her phone checking her laptop

The peace in our family was disturbed when my middle sister called me one afternoon. Crying, she told me that a guy named Mark was about to get married. I only knew him as her suitor that she never entertained because he was already living with his original girlfriend. So, when I asked my sister, “So what?” I got the shock of my life as she said, “I might be pregnant with him.”

Just what did I hear?! My sister, who we trusted to know not to entertain such a man, was doing what we begged her not to do. Worse, their affair had been going on for four years straight already, and they had been trying to have a baby in the last six months. But she would never have bothered to tell us about it if the guy did not block her calls and texts and left her alone.

In reality, when I heard what happened for the first time, I got so mad at the guy that I wanted to curse him down to hell. My sister made it sound like she got cheated on, that she was not aware that he was a two-timing fool. Even my dad wanted to let loose and confront the guy with his fists for what he did to his daughter. However, my sister begged him not to do that. Instead, she said she wanted to get mental help because it left her thinking of ending her life.

two ladies on a counseling session

Of course, when your child or kid tells you something like that, you have no time to think things through – you just do it. I even went out to accompany my sister to the mental hospital where the only psychiatrist could be found in our state. Upon the initial diagnosis, it was revealed that she had dependence issues. I thought it made sense because she felt like she couldn’t live without that guy in her life. 

But I started to get suspicious when my sister said she argued with the doctor and tried to reduce her resting period from two months to a month. Then, during her multiple trips to the psychiatrist’s office after that, she kept on asking the mental health professional to change her diagnosis or treatment from depression to mild anxiety to minor depression. It did not help that we caught her trying to chat up the same guy even after discovering that he already got hitched. I thought, “Hmm, that’s not normal anymore.”

The more I researched her symptoms, the more it became apparent that my sister could be a sociopath. Here are signs that led me to this hunch.


Ability To Change Emotions Based On What Others Want To See

The most noticeable thing about my sister was how quickly she could switch her emotions depending on who talked to her. She’s quick in switching emotions, and it made me wonder if my sister might be a sociopath.

For example, when my father found the guy’s number still saved on her phone, he started berating her because of it for hours. The entire time, my sister was not answering him; she was merely looking down with a dark expression on her face. But when my aunt suddenly called through FaceTime, her face lit up and sounded so cheerful, as if nothing ever happened.

The same scenario took place several times throughout her stay at home, thus solidifying my hunch that my sister could be a sociopath.


Sociopathic Compulsive Lying 

It took some time for us to realize that my sibling, who was also my best friend, was a compulsive liar. She often loves to manipulate people. My parents primarily used to believe every word she said, thinking that she was dependable and wise. Despite that, we all found out about it when we confronted her about the text messages that we caught her exchanging with the guy. 

With the phone in mom’s hands, she asked, “Have you been texting your ex?”

Feigning anger, my sibling replied, “What the heck are you talking about? It’s over between us; he’s already married.”

“Liar! Your conversations are all here!” my mother/mom said, showing the phone.

Although shocked, my sibling still uttered, “He texted me first.”

And the list of lies went on until the guy contacted my parents himself and begged them to make my sister stop bothering him and his wife.


Inability To Listen To Reason

When crap finally hit the fan, all the texts came out. It showed how my sister resented my parents for forbidding her from seeing the man of her dreams. Then, they even had plans to move to Australia, where the guy’s wife could not reach them anymore.

When dad talked to the guy and learned that my sister was forcing herself on him, claiming that she would end her life if he didn’t contact her, she relayed it all to my sister. However, she didn’t seem ashamed at all. Her face merely hardened and said, “That’s not what he told me. He said he loved me and that we would have a family together.” I doubt she was focused on building a family.

No matter how much we tried to make her see reason, my sister didn’t budge at all. Worse, she proceeded to email the guy behind our backs and blackmailed him with their private videos. It’s like she was used to making people caught off guard.

Final Thoughts

That was the last straw for my parents. They brought her to a psychiatrist in a different city to figure out what’s wrong with her. After some appointments, we found out that she indeed has sociopathic tendencies.

It would still take a while before we could say that my sister fully recovered, but we’re optimistic that she would eventually find the right support, love, and guidance. So if you’re dealing with the same issue with your healthy relationships, always note that personality traits somehow count. There’s always a moral responsibility that you think doesn’t matter, but it does.


What Are The Requirements For Having Personality Disorder?

You have heard of the words sociopath and psychopath, but there’s a term that professionals use for those people. In general, doctors don’t diagnose someone as a sociopath or psychopath, they use a different term which is Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD).  In the book, DSMV-V, which is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Illnesses, there is a criteria wherein you can tell if someone falls under ASPD, still you shouldn’t guess someone’s disorder on your own.  Apparently, there are signs that can tell if the person is a sociopath, it includes lack of social empathy to others, impulsive behavior, lying for personal gain, and more. After reading the signs, you may think that your mother, father, child or children, boyfriend, husband, brother, or sister is a sociopath, but be aware that self-diagnosing people is bad.

Can sociopaths be cured?
ASPD may manifest in an early age such as 8 years old, during that time the diagnosis falls under conduct disorder while it converts to ASPD at age 18 if the antisocial behaviors of the only person persists. So, two kids who have conduct disorder in school or at home may have a different path once they grow up.  The only people or kids who have antisocial behavior can be diagnosed with ASPD. There is no cure with ASPD, people usually manage their condition for their entire life.

Can sociopaths be depressed?

What is the psychological treatment for sociopaths?

Can sociopaths change over time?
Yes, studies suggests that through therapy, sociopaths can change over time. But in the same way as other chronic illnesses, if not monitored, someone with ASPD may relapse to their previous behaviors after a few months. There are sociopaths who are high functioning and highly intelligent who can still function from a daily basis. It is also worth knowing that sociopaths are just like anyone that is capable of change. They are just victims and and hurt by their own struggles. Their behavior from years ago can be change once they decided to head and seek proper treatment.

Can a sociopath change with age?
Can a sociopath get nervous?
What is the hardest mental illness to live with?
How do psychopaths feel about death?

Can psychopaths control their emotions?
There is misconception that psychopaths cannot control their emotions, but in fact they still can.

Can psychopaths be in control?
Who is the most famous case of acquired sociopathy?
What are the requirements for a sociopath?
Can sociopaths be cured?
Can sociopaths be depressed?
What is a sociopath’s weakness?
Can a sociopath feel trauma?
Can you recover from sociopath?
What is the psychological treatment for sociopaths?

Do You Have A Psychopath In The Family?




Have you heard about the term ‘psychopath’ used around before? If you did, perhaps you don’t know much about it either. People who are diagnosed to have this type of personality disorder have no regard for those in and out of their circle. When behaviors of these individuals are specifically harsh and dangerous, they are typically called psychopaths.

How would you know a psychopath, mainly if it were someone in the family who manifests with these behaviors? Below are some signs that you have to watch out for if you suspect that a family member is a psychopath and how you can manage it.

  • He often breaks the law.

Although not all psychopaths are indeed destructive, you’d still want to suspect a family member who often commits crimes or does not abide by the general laws of the city or community. Research suggests that most criminals are found to have an antisocial personality disorder. It’s not really because they cannot distinguish right from wrong. It’s because they just do not care.

  • He has extraordinary manipulation skills.

Several studies have revealed that psychopaths are great manipulators and schemers. They are known to easily change a certain situation just to make them look good. If you want to suggest family therapy, your psychopath’s family member will try his best to look normal and stable. Yes, they can do that – and very well.



  • He’s very good at lying.

Your loved one might not constantly be lying, but when he does, he can be very good at stretching the truth. According to Biomed Central, individuals with psychopathic characteristics are capable of learning how to become master liars over time through constant practice. When you make up something, your brain tries so hard to cover the truth and reverse it to produce a false story. With psychopaths, their brains don’t exert much effort to do this, specifically if they frequently do it.

  • He thinks he’s high and mighty.

There’s probably a member of your family who thinks he’s above everyone. But a psychopath loved one is much more than. His sense of self is exaggerated, and his ego shows even without him speaking. His narcissism is quite visible, and he frequently talks and acts as if he has a more important purpose for living compared to others. He thinks he’s more deserving of success and power than the rest of the family and the rest of the world even. Don’t try to reprimand him for it, because he won’t budge.

  • He doesn’t respond to punishment.

Is there someone in your family who is famous for being shrewd, cruel, and out-of-control? You probably don’t want this person to be present in your family dinners or special occasions. Unfortunately, doing this will not affect at all for your psychopathic family member, as psychopaths are not very responsive to reward and punishment systems and the like. This behavior is what makes it challenging for them to shift their behavior to something more acceptable to society.



  • They Suck At Maintaining Relationships.

Your psychopath loved one may be charming and may look sensible and all-knowing, but the truth is that they have no concrete and credible goals in life. Psychopaths are inclined to having exaggerated ideas about what they are and what their life should be, so they typically are not capable of performing very basic tasks. It’d be more devastating if you grew up with this family member too.

Setting Boundaries

It can be stressful to deal with a psychopath, particularly if it’s a family member that you care for. Realistically, there is no cure for a psychopath, but certainly, it does not mean that there is no help for him. Further, you must also find ways to safeguard yourself from the mental and emotional damage that your loved one can cost you.

Psychiatrists agree that setting boundaries is a smart way to protect yourself mentally, physically, and emotionally. You must learn to draw a line implying that there are things that you are not willing to do for the psychopath. Creating limitations and standing by them will help your family member realize that you want to be respected.

The Sooner, The Better

A lot of mental illnesses begin to manifest in the first years of adulthood, but some reports erratic and insensitive personalities in kids a few years old. Studies show that children who are psychopathic are more problematic to treat as the years pass because their brains are less vulnerable to changes. This is exactly why it is prudent to seek help sooner rather than later. Cases may become harder and eventually impossible to treat when they go into adulthood.



Encourage Counseling Despite Resistance

There is a continuing argument about whether or not a psychopath’s behavior can ever be altered or modified. Still, a lot of mental health professionals agree that specific strategies can help. One of the techniques considered is the ‘decompression model,’ which combines positive support and feedback. This is especially beneficial for those who are willing to be treated and to change their behaviors. Sadly, not many psychopaths acknowledge that they do need help. If, however, you have persuaded your family member to go with you to a counselor or therapist, then he’s headed to the right path.



I Got Locked Down With A Sociopath

This pandemic situation caused me a lot of stress. But not because of the things I have to deal with, such as financial strain, work from home, and limited access to people, and whatnots. I am stressed because I got locked down with a sociopath. Honestly, I don’t want to sound rude, but there are red flags that indicated that I am.


How It All Started

I met Dan at a social networking site a few months ago. I can say that our relationship was merely based on social media interaction. We spent most of the time chatting, texting, and video calling each other. It was the usual. We have gone a few dates, and everything was quite okay in person. Yes, it seems pretty reasonable to have small arguments at a time, but we somehow got over it. So when the outbreak began a few months back then, we have decided that Dan will move in with me at my apartment. At that time, I thought it was a great idea. Unfortunately, I was wrong.


Sociopathic Behavior

Dan and I agreed that our situation must not take a toll on our relationship. Whatever happens, we must always be there for each other. We went spending time normally for a week. But after that, I noticed some behavioral changes in him. Dan began to demand things that only he can benefit from. It was as if I only exist to serve his needs. He began to ignore my feelings and often tell me to quit acting like a child because of my constant ranting and nagging. Dan started insulting me and often required me to appreciate his little efforts all the time. He condemned me for pointing out his mistakes and often lashed out about it.

I ignored all of these things because I thought his behavioral changes are merely a cause of stress from the lockdown. But then, after a few more weeks, I noticed he quickly get angry. Dan often threw tantrums at me, especially when he lacked control over the things I do. In most instances, he got mad for no reason. It felt like Dan gets angry about being bored or something. He tried to entertain himself by making me cry. He didn’t even care to say sorry despite admitting that he only did that for fun. His emotions don’t match our situation.


As the days went on, Dan’s behavioral changes ultimately escalated into something outrageous. He began to think about sex as a purely physical exchange of pleasure in a moment. That anytime he wanted it, he must get it. I felt uncomfortable, but I wasn’t entirely sure what was happening. I tried to start a meaningful conversation so we can discuss that matter, but he got so upset that he went to our room and locked himself there for the whole day.

I was so curious about his behavior, so I tried to contact my friend Elie, a psychologist. Right from then on, she told me I was indeed living my quarantined life with a sociopath. Elie explained that Dan’s behavior matched up with a sociopathic diagnosis. At first, I was in denial, and I told Elie that perhaps it was just a coincidence. But she assured me that Dan knew what he was doing and just won’t recognize it as a mistake.


So with all the things I learned about Dan, I came up with a decision. I asked him to leave my apartment. Surely, I don’t want him to go out there alone, especially in a pandemic time like this. But I also don’t want to lose all my remaining mental and emotional stability.